DC Generators Explained in an Easy Way

“An electrical generator is a device which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. DC generator produces direct current”.

In a DC generator an emf is induced whenever magnetic flux is cut by a conductor.


Shown in the above figure is a rectangular copper conductor loop ABCD rotating in a clockwise direction about its own axis in a uniform magnetic field provided by permenant magnets or electromagnets.
Two ends of coil are connected to two slip rings R1 and R2 which are insulated from eachother and from the central shaft.
Two collecting brushes B1 and B2 made of carbon or copper are pressed against the slip rings. Their function is to collect the current induced in the coil.
Electric current produced whenever coil rotates between the magnetic poles. The deflection of galvanometer needle shows the current is induced.

Important characteristics of a DC generator:
       i.            Load saturation characteristic (E0/If): It is also called open-circuit characteristic or No magnetic. It gives the relation between the no-load generated emf in armature (E0) and the field or exciting current (If). This characteristic is same for the separately excited and the selfexcited generators.
    ii.            Internal characteristic (Eg/Ia): It practically gives the relation between the emf (Eg) actually induced in the armature conductors (after considering the demagnetizing effect of armature reaction) and armature current Ia. It is also known as total characteristic.
 iii.            External characteristic (V/Ia ): It shows the relation between the terminal voltage
 iv.            dc generator is mechanical energy into convert electrical energy which used in machine part of stator in a out part & rioter is inner part and voltage induced armature winding and current pass is Field winding it is magnetic flux generate.

DC generators are classified based on their method of excitation. So on this basis there are two types of DC generators:-
1. Separately excited DC generator
2. Self excited DC generator
Self excited DC generator can again be classified as 1) DC Series generator  2) DC Shunt generator and 3) DC Compound generator.

Let’s take a brief look at how all these differ.

1. Separately excited DC generator

As you can guess from the name itself , this dc generator has a field magnet winding which is excited using a separate voltage source (like battery). You can see the representation in the below image. The output voltage depends on the speed of rotation of armature and field current. The higher the speed of rotation and current  – the higher the output e.m.f

2. Self Excited DC Generator

These are generators in which the field winding is excited by the output of the generator itself. As described before – there are three types of self excited dc generators – they are 1) Series 2) Shunt and 3) Compound.
A series DC generator is shown below in fig (a) – in which the armature winding is connected in series with the field winding so  that the field current flows through the load as well as the field winding.Field winding is a low resistance,thick wire of few turns. Series generators are also rarely used!

A shunt DC generator is shown in figure (b), in which the field winding is wired parallel to armature winding so that the voltage across both are same. The field winding has high resistance and more number of turns so that only a part of armature current passes through field winding and the rest passes through load.

A compound generator is shown in figure below. It has two field findings namely Rsh and Rse. They are basically shunt winding (Rsh) and series winding (Rse). Compound generator is of two types – 1) Short shunt and 2) Long shunt

Short shunt:- Here the shunt field winding is wired parallel to armature and series field winding is connected in series to the load. It is shown in fig (1)

Long shunt:- Here the shunt field winding is parallel to both armature and series field winding (Rse is wired in series to the armature). It is shown in figure (2)

So you have got a basic idea about the types of DC generators! Now you may know that these generators are used only for special industrial purposes where there is huge demand for DC production. Otherwise electrical energy is produced by AC generators and is transmitted from one place to other as AC itself. When a DC power is required, we usually convert AC to DC using rectifiers.
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